Category: p2p

  • Age of Confusion in Music Biz

    The Toronto Star has an excellent overview of the ‘music industry’ – an industry that is exploding and dying off at the same time. “The undeniable reality is that CD sales continue to fall so dramatically – down 20 per cent from 2006, and down 35 per cent in Canada – that the industry as…

  • On Grant Lawrence, Transmission and the Music Industry

    Grant Lawrence had an interesting post yesterday from Transmission “Vancouver’s massive international music industry event. Keyword: industry.” Quoth Grant: Just a few notes from this morning’s call-to-arms::: more people than ever are listening and discovering new music, yet no one is making any money:: digitial media has a perceived value of zero:: it takes way…

  • P2P is still good for the music industry

    From Michael Geist, yet another study has confirmed that People who engage in file sharing also buy more music this is in keeping with every other major study done in the world. The two key findings: When assessing the P2P downloading population, there was “a strong positive relationship between P2P file sharing and CD purchasing….