Category: Olympics

  • Now that Sochi is Over, Pussy Riot re-arrested along with 100 other activists

    Before the Olympic medals could even find their way into trophy cases, Russian President Vladamir Putin has begun rounding up his critics again. Right before the Olympics began Putin attempted to improve his government’s international image by granting amnesty to thousands of political prisoners, including members of Pussy Riot and Greenpeace activists. Now that the…

  • New Pussy Riot video “Putin Will Teach You How to Love” shot in Sochi

    If arresting and imprisoning Pussy Riot was meant to intimidate them it, evidently, didn’t work. Members of the band were in Sochi this week where they were attacked, literally whipped and temporarily detained by security forces. From that experience they have put together a new music video “Putin Will Teach You How to Love“. Like…

  • Boycott the Sochi Olympics

    Russia’s human rights record under Vladamir Putin is terrible and is about to get much worse. Yesterday, Harvey Fierstein posted the following to Facebook: It’s time to start paying attention to what’s going on in Russia in case you haven’t yet. Putin has declared war on the gay community. He’s made it illegal to promote homosexuality…

  • Fix the Olympics Before Trying to Bring Them To Toronto

    An article in Today’s Toronto Star discusses the possibility of the “first binational Olympics“. This is both a wonderful and a terrible idea. It is a terrible idea because it is a terrible idea for any modern city to host the Olympics. The price tag alone should cause the mayor of any city to run…

  • Fix the Olympics Before Trying to Bring Them To Toronto

    An article in Today’s Toronto Star discusses the possibility of the “first binational Olympics“. This is both a wonderful and a terrible idea. It is a terrible idea because it is a terrible idea for any modern city to host the Olympics. The price tag alone should cause the mayor of any city to run…