Category: NSA

  • Harper Government still doesn’t understand the internet

    At almost the moment that individual citizens, outside science and the military, began using the internet governments have tried to control and regulate it. The problem, in almost every case, is that they understand neither the culture of the internet or the technology involved. In some parts of the world, as time has passed and…

  • Kickstarting a NSA Proof Email App

    Lavabit founder Ladar Levison is working to create a user friendly encrypted email service that will be difficult, if not impossible, to intercept and read even for the NSA. According to Fastcoexist: ”Last week, we learned that Levison has teamed up with Mike Janke of Silent Circle, another secure messaging service that also shut down…

  • Anonymous Whistleblower Software for Media Outlets via Freedom of the Press Foundation

    The Freedom of the Press Foundation announced today that they are taking over the DeadDrop project, started by investigative reporter Kevin Poulsen and the late Aaron Swartz. The foundation says that it will provide on site installation and technical support for news organizations wishing to use the new software which they are calling Securedrop. Once…

  • Hilarious Live Footage of an NSA Wiretap

    Apparently NSA wiretaps not only prevent crime and terrorism but can also help with your relationship problems:

  • Edward Snowden, the Video Game

    While Edward Snowden looks for a safe place to hang up his hat you can relive his adventures in a flash video game from “In Snowden’s leaks: The Game you play as whistleblower Edward Snowden, who secretly has to download all data from the NSA headquarters. Copy all data from NSA’s computers with a USB…

  • Help Fight the NSA With TMI

    Vice has created a new tool to help people fight back against the NSA by providing them with too much information. The site at generates random messages filled with NSA buzzwords that you can then Tweet or share on Facebook or send via email. Via Popular Science “By the very nature of intelligence issues, there’s much…

  • Edward Snowden and How Governments Have Turned Privacy Upside Down

      NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has gone into hiding. Hopefully he will be smart enough to stay in hiding, forever. As Cuba can attest, the US doesn’t forgive real or perceived transgressions ever, no matter how many times the White House changes hands. As Bradley Manning or numerous others before him can attest, the US is…

  • Codefellas or NSA the Animated Series

    From Wired and John Hodgman a new animated series about the NSA and the people who work their. Enjoy a glimpse into their daily lives, while they carefully monitor yours:

  • Science Beats NSA With Temporal ‘Invisibility’ Cloak for Data

    Just as stories about the NSA’s extreme monitoring of the US public are grabbing headlines, science may have discovered a way to prevent any and all eavesdropping on data. According to Scientific American, researchers have found a way to cloak a data stream so that any information passed through that stream is simply invisible: If…