Category: Net Neutrality

  • Toronto Star: Media Consolidation

    Steve Anderson of has an interesting article in today’s Toronto Star on the consolidation of media: “A few examples: CTVglobemedia has inhaled CHUM (with Rogers taking the spoils), Alliance Atlantis is on the brink of becoming a part of CanWest and Quebecor Media is poised to take over Osprey Media.” My personal feeling is…

  • The CRTC Wants Your Internet

    So the CRTC is going to look, again, at regulating ‘new media’. If you are involved, at all, in new media this is almost as frightening as Canada Revenue announcing they are going to fix your car, or Canada Post telling you they can deliver your baby. For those of us who have spent years…

  • What Is Net Neutrality?

    From Michael Geist and The Canadian Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking (CRACIN) the new From What Is Net Neutrality just launched. If you don’t know what Net Neutrality means, it is the single most important issue facing the internet and ultimately the most important issue with regard to the future of media (Canadian…