Category: Net Neutrality

  • A Few Media Stories:

    From Michael Geist comes news that the Conservaitve’s Copyright Bill enjoys almost no support at all: ” • 76 percent agree with the statement that the proposed amendments “are being introduced as a result of lobbying by the North American music market” • 63 percent agree with the statement that the proposed amendments “will expose…

  • NDP to Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation

    According to the CBC NDP MP Charlie Angus promised yesterday to introduce a private members bill on Net Neutrality today. He made the announcement at a Net Neutrality rally on Parliament hill stating that “You are citizens of a digital realm and you have rights”. Sadly it appears that the NDP may be alone on…

  • What You Can Do to Save the Internet

    I got an email this morning from Steve Anderson at about the Net Neutrality Rally set to take place tomorrow on Parliament hill. Personally, I won’t be in Ottawa and so can’t attent and, honestly, most of the time I doubt the effectiveness of traditional rallies (on Parliament Hill or at Queen’s Park) –…

  • Bell Shapes Traffic to Its Own Ends

    From Dr. Michael Geist: It appears that, not that it is shaping it’s traffic, it wants to shape it in a way more advantageous to, who else, Bell (tell me you’re not suprised). Bell has decided to launch it’s own internet Video on Demand Service in direct competition with cable and satellite companies and even…

  • Canadian Fair Media Coalition

    It is nearly election time, you can smell it in the air. With the Conservatives making nearly everything a confidence motion and the Liberals under increasing pressure to either fight an election or replace their leader it has to happen soon. In advance of that election, whether it is called a month from now or…

  • Bell Wants to Choose Your Web Sites For You

    Not to be too cynical, but it seems almost pointless to write a post about Bell Canada’s latest bit of corporate evil. It is a company that is known, to everyone who has ever been a customer, for high prices, poor customer service and infinite b.s. hidden in the fine print. What’s scarier is they…

  • Heritage Committee Supports Net Neutrality

    The Heritage Committee, which has been on a roll this week after proposing a serious revamp of the CBC has now come out in favour of Net Neutrality rules. The federal standing committee on Canadian heritage has urged the CRTC to curb interference in internet traffic by service providers such as Bell Canada and Rogers Communications,…

  • CRTC Responds to Media Consolidation by Doing Nothing…for now

    When I first read the headline on I was optimistic. I mean it sounds good, and starts off well: “The CRTC has brought in new regulations to restrict cross-media ownership as a way of ensuring a diversity of editorial voices in the same market.“ But after that it sort of trails off. The CRTC…

  • Democratic Media Post 2: Welcome to the Wild West

    My second post for the site The media landscape is obviously changing. People who work in arts and media are going to have to adjust to a brand new world. The media is becoming ‘the wild west’ to a large extent. This can be good or bad, it all depends on the attitude that…

  • Why Do They Hate Us? The CRTC that is.

    My question for the day is what exactly does the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) have against Canada? According to the Broadcasting Act of 1991 which, in part, created the CRTC: “the Canadian broadcasting system, operating primarily in the English and French languages and comprising public, private and community elements, makes use of radio…