Category: Musical

  • Back to the Future, the Musical

    Everything is a musical now, from Doctor Seuss and Lord of the Rings to Evil Dead and soon American Psycho, so this video may just be ahead of its time and not really a parody. Either way though, a brilliant bit of fun from the folks at CineFix.

  • Video: Star Wars Disney The Musical – Live!

    Ok, it’s not the best video quality and, as with most things shot in bars, there is too much background noise. But as a concept it’s brilliant. No doubt that this is only a rough draft and Box Step Films/Clarkson Twins will have a better version up soon. (Something at least on par with the…

  • Video: Star Wars Disney The Musical – Live!

    Ok, it’s not the best video quality and, as with most things shot in bars, there is too much background noise. But as a concept it’s brilliant. No doubt that this is only a rough draft and Box Step Films/Clarkson Twins will have a better version up soon. (Something at least on par with the…

  • the Hype

    When I named this blog ‘Hype’ it was because it seemed to describe what I saw in popular culture. More and more pop culture, seems to be about fame itself and not about any kind of talent. More about self-promotion and marketing than about being good at anything. I cannot, try though I might, figure…