Category: literature

  • Rick Mercer Can Write?

    Ever wonder what Rick Mercer does during those months of summer while his show is in reruns? Me either, but apparently he writes books. Originally entitled “If I Did It” until Mercer’s lawyers and O.J. Simpson’s bodyguards advised against it. It is now just called Rick Mercer Report: The Book

  • Schools as Galleries?

    Toward the end of this summer I read uTOpia Volume 2: The State of the Arts Living with Culture in Toronto which is a fabulous book and really sparks your imagination when it comes to art and public spaces, whether you live in Toronto or elsewhere. I highly recommend you grab a copy – wherever…

  • Calgary: Filling Station Blow Out Tonight and Tomorrow

    Filling Station, “a literary magazine based in Calgary, Alberta, that is dedicated to showcasing innovative poetry, fiction, drama, film and visual art” is hosting it’s 3rd Annual Calgary Blowout tonight and Saturday, September 14 and 15. The event, at the Carpenter’s Union Hall (310 10th St. North West) will feature over 20 poets, playwrights and…

  • Literary Potscard Competition

    If every picture is worth a thousand words then a postcard has to be worth at least 500. Geist Magazine and the Tyee are co-sponsoring Geist’s 4th annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest. The rules are simple, take a poscard, any post card and write a story to go with it – 500 words max….

  • Maggie MacDonald

    One of the problems with the arts in Canada in general is the lack of publicity. Frequently when things are done by Canadian artists you won’t find it, or even find out it exists, unless you look for it. Especially with independent and emerging artists, there are no front page headlines, no advance publicity to…

  • Scream in High Park

    The Scream Literary Festival wraps up this monday with “Scream in High Park”. If you’ve never been to the CanStage Amphitheatre in High Park, it is truly one of Toronto’s best kept secrets. If packing some snacks in the picnic basket and sitting in a natural amphitheater (with seating) in the woods, listening to an…

  • Additions to CanBlogs

    I’ve added 3 new blogs to the CanBlogs section today: Datalibre, which describes itself as “ is a group blog, inspired by, which believes all levels of Canadian governments should make civic information and data accessible at no cost in open formats to their citizens. The data is collected using Canadian tax-payer funds, and…