Category: Liberal

  • If the left wants to win the big fights, we need to step up our game

    Photo credit: gabrielsaldana via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA As a dual citizen of the United States and Canada I’ve had the opportunity to participate in and observe both political systems. One of the things that I’ve found as a constant in both countries, and in the UK as well from what I’ve observed, is that…

  • Beware the Wounded Animal

    By turning their back on the CBC against the will of the public and then trying to kill the long gun registry against the wishes of Canada’s police forces the Harper government is showing all the signs of a group that knows they will soon lose power. Ever since Ignatieff replaced Dion as Liberal leader…

  • Why Canada Can’t Have an Obama, and Why I’ll Never Join Your Party

    Barack Obama ran for President without the elders and power brokers of the Democratic Party behind him. He ran on the vague notion of hope and change and on a set of concrete ideas about health care, the economy, foreign policy, the environment, education etc., Canada cannot have it’s Barack Obama at the moment because…

  • Conservatives Open Fire on Ignatieff

    Harper wants his government to fall, I don’t see any other way to look at it. Earlier today the Liberals made Iggy interim leader. Immediately after that progressives groaned. A little later in the afternoon pundits began speculating about the Conservatives and the Liberals building bridges, finding compromise and working out a way to avoid…

  • Give Me What I Want, Not What I Say I Want

    John Gushue likes to post interesting quotes on his website. Yesterday he posted one that seemed especially appropriate to what I’ve been thinking the last few days. Maragaret Mead once said “What people say, what people do and what they say they do are often entirely different things”. It occurs to me that the recent…

  • Rick Mercer Explains what Happened

    The recent political crisis has many Canadians confused. That’s not surprising as there are far too many people who don’t keep up with the news – at all. If anyone you know is having a hard time understanding what happened the last few weeks and why we might have a new government soon – Rick…

  • What’s all the loco-motion about?

    Lou Dobbs says it best “Doesn’t anyone deserve a government that works?” I think Stephen Harper should listen to that statement loud and clear. After tuning from my favourite Canadian newscast CBC-The National with Peter Mansbridge, I tuned into CNN’s Anderson Cooper to listen to the latest news coming from our friendly American neighbours with…

  • Time to Unite Against Stephen Harper

    In his speech at the Democratic convention Barack Obama laid out plainly the choices before Americans, pointing out the failure of George Bush neo-con policies on almost every front. Canadians will soon have a similar choice to make. Stephen Harper is, perhaps more than Bush himself, a George Bush style neo-conservative. Harper’s policies are essentially…