Category: IndieCredit

  • Indie Credit Issues $775 in Micro Loans

    Indie Credit, the quarterly Toronto concert series to raise money for Kiva has issued it’s first round of micro loans. Small loans have been issued via the Indie Credit team to entrepreneurs in Togo, Nigeria, Peru, Nicaragua, Samoa, Veitnam, Tajikistan, Cambodia, Mexico, Bolivia, Uganda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Lebannon and Ghana. Some of the loans have…

  • First Indie Credit Show Coming to the Rancho

    On January 29 the Rancho Relaxo (300 College St., Toronto) will host the first indiecredit show. In case you’ve missed my previous posts on this indiecredit shows will pool all of the money paid at the door into a Kiva Account the money would (as you would expect from a Kiva account) then be used…