Category: indie

  • Moving Images

    Episode 48 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition previews the 24th annual Images Festival. NEXT EPISODE: April 8, 2011

  • Indie Theatre Project

    Episode 39 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition features THESP, an organization dedicated to the continuing development of Toronto’s indie theatre scene. NEXT EPISODE: Dec. 3, 2010

  • CD Review: The Bicycles – Oh No, It’s Love

    Since it was announced recently that The Bicycles are on hiatus, it’s only fair to take a look at their recent album. That way, we’ll realize just how much we’re going to miss this enjoyable indie group from Toronto. Oh No, It’s Love (2008) is the follow-up to 2006’s The Good, The Bad and The…

  • How Much Do You Have to Give Back Before It’s Not Selling Out?

    Canadians tend to have a bit of the tall poppy syndrome to begin with and it’s much worse for musicians. The whole ‘indie’ thing says, essentially, that anyone who is even modestly successful is a sellout and therefore should no longer be taken seriously. Never mind the fact that no one could ever properly define…

  • A Golden Age for Independent Meda and Web 2.0?

    In case you haven’t noticed there is a recession on. A pretty good one too. Some economists are even starting to use the D word (the one that ends in epression and that drugs don’t help.) As a result, when companies started cutting costs one of the first things to go was advertising. So traditional…

  • Support Independent Women’s Radio in Orillia

    A friend of a friend is pushing for a (radio) broadcast license for Orillia, Ontario. The station is an attempt at diversity, not only from large corporate owned radio chains but also in terms of gender. The station would be owned by four women, which is rare for radio – though I’m assured it wouldn’t…

  • The Paranormal Show is coming to the Campbell House Museum (starting November 13th)

    The Paranormal Show has just completed a successful two month run at the Diesel Playhouse, performing six amazing shows a week! NOW you can witness The Paranormal Show in an intimate setting that puts you in the middle of all the action! Opening November 13th 2008, The Paranormal Show can be seen at Toronto’s oldest…

  • I’d like my order of iTunes with fries, please!!!

    This is all Moby’s fault. I have the feeling that it was sometime in the mid-90’s that it became completely acceptable, even the norm, for respectable musicians to turn themselves into cheap whores, turning tricks on TV to sell their tainted goods. Sadly, I knew Feist’s hit single ’1, 2, 3, 4’ from an iTunes…

  • Is There any Such Thing as Indie Anymore?

    The tagline for is “to strengthen and preserve the independent and emerging Canadian voice” which I think I’ll stick to. It may be time though for “indie” as a label applied to music to come to an end. We all seem to know what we mean when we say “indie”. I wouldn’t, for example,…

  • Fashionable People Doing Questionable Things

    As a fan of Canadian independent music, the only thing better to me than the Bucky Awards is the Polaris prize. The WCMA’s and ECMAs are great, but they’re regional and the Juno’s are, well they’re nice too. And I’m not saying all of this just because they gave me one (honorary). So, I’d like…