Category: Greenhouse Gasses

  • Can an arachnid reverse climate change?

    It has been incredibly difficult to do anything about climate change, in large part because no one wants to give anything up or pay more for anything. However, Americans may soon not have a choice in the matter thanks to a disease carrying tick. Most of efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses has, for obvious reasons,…

  • Why Geoengineering is our only real hope in the battle against climate change

    The idea of geoengineering, essentially using technology to artificially cool the planet is not popular among environmentalists. Former US President Al Gore recently said that the entire idea is insane. Although most people don’t know what it is, it is already the stuff of internet conspiracy theories. However, given our failure to make any real…

  • 15 second timelapse video from NASA shows 60 years of rising temperatures

    This video from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, shows a running five-year average global temperature, as compared to a baseline average global temperature from 1951-1980. Yellow, on the map, indicates the average being reached while orange and red indicate that the average has been exceeded. According to NASA 2013 tied for the seventh warmest…

  • Thanks for Being Part of the Biggest Science Experiment Ever

    We are in the midst of the biggest scientific experiment in the history of the Earth and we are all a part of that experiment. To be specific, we are seeing what happens when we push greenhouse gasses to record levels. Last week we pushed past 400 parts per million in the atmosphere and exciting…

  • Thanks for Being Part of the Biggest Science Experiment Ever

    We are in the midst of the biggest scientific experiment in the history of the Earth and we are all a part of that experiment. To be specific, we are seeing what happens when we push greenhouse gasses to record levels. Last week we pushed past 400 parts per million in the atmosphere and exciting…

  • Looking Back 4 Million Years Can Help Us See the Future of Climate Change

    As climate change deniers are fond of telling us, the Earth’s climate has changed before. About 4 million years ago, during the mid-Pliocene warm period, the level of greenhouse gasses was roughly the same as it is now. Scientific American breaks down the findings of a new study on what that period can tell us about what…

  • Looking Back 4 Million Years Can Help Us See the Future of Climate Change

    As climate change deniers are fond of telling us, the Earth’s climate has changed before. About 4 million years ago, during the mid-Pliocene warm period, the level of greenhouse gasses was roughly the same as it is now. Scientific American breaks down the findings of a new study on what that period can tell us about what…

  • How Hairspray May Help Us Find Extraterrestrial Life

    In an article in Astrobiology Magazine Charles Q. Choi examines the possibility that artificial chemicals may point the way to life on other planets. At one time we used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in air conditioners and products like hairspray. We stopped using them because they are strong greenhouse gasses and damaging to the Earth’s ozone layer….

  • How Hairspray May Help Us Find Extraterrestrial Life

    In an article in Astrobiology Magazine Charles Q. Choi examines the possibility that artificial chemicals may point the way to life on other planets. At one time we used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in air conditioners and products like hairspray. We stopped using them because they are strong greenhouse gasses and damaging to the Earth’s ozone layer….