Trudeau’s pipeline decisions were bad optics but good politics

Photo via Unsplash via As I type this, activists in BC are preparing to protest the Kinder Morgan pipeline. Everyone, including the Liberal government, knew that was coming. It may very well even be part of Trudeau’s plan. Burnaby, BC and the “line 3” pipeline which runs from Alberta to Wisconsin. Trudeau rejected the…

Justin Trudeau and the progress of democratic reform

Photo credit: World Bank Photo Collection via / CC BY-NC-ND A few days ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said something true about electoral reform and people freaked out.  Ok, most people didn’t freak out and the ones who did are primarily opposition partisans who want electoral reform because they believe it will improve their…

Which Middle Class is Justin Trudeau Targeting?

Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have made it clear that their plan for the 2015 election is to target the ‘middle class’. The phrase is probably the most commonly used in recent political history. Everyone wants to court the middle class because nearly everyone thinks that they are part of the middle class. It will be interesting…

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot and No One Cares Very Much

Today Justin Trudeau admitted to smoking marijuana while serving as a member of the Parliament of Canada and, for the most part, Canada gave a collective shrug. It has, after all, been more than 20 years since Bill Clinton ‘didn’t inhale’ and Woodstock was almost 45 years ago. In 2013, everyone knows that pot isn’t…

Tory lead over Liberals all but evaporated, poll suggests

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper’s Conservatives hold only a slim lead over the Liberals, according to a new national poll that suggests the government’s decisive response to the earthquake in Haiti has not translated into big political dividends for the Tories. The poll, conducted exclusively for Canwest News Service and Global National, said the Conservatives would…