Category: Russia

  • Help the Remaining Pussy Riot Members with Amnesty International

    There are, at least, 17 members of the Russian punk/activist group Pussy Riot. Although 3 of them have been sentenced to 2 years in a labor camp for their part in an anti-Putin protest, the hunt for 2 other members who took part in that same protest has not stopped. At this stage no one…

  • Help the Remaining Pussy Riot Members with Amnesty International

    There are, at least, 17 members of the Russian punk/activist group Pussy Riot. Although 3 of them have been sentenced to 2 years in a labor camp for their part in an anti-Putin protest, the hunt for 2 other members who took part in that same protest has not stopped. At this stage no one…

  • Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

    Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…

  • Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

    Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…

  • Help Amnesty International to Free Pussy Riot!

    According to Amnesty International, 3 suspected members of the feminist Russian punk group Pussy Riot have been detained and charged with “hooliganism”. (Yes this is Russia and not Mayberry). The charges stem from a performance by Pussy Riot in a Russian Cathedral (see video below.) The women arrested; Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich…

  • Help Amnesty International to Free Pussy Riot!

    According to Amnesty International, 3 suspected members of the feminist Russian punk group Pussy Riot have been detained and charged with “hooliganism”. (Yes this is Russia and not Mayberry). The charges stem from a performance by Pussy Riot in a Russian Cathedral (see video below.) The women arrested; Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich…

  • From Russia with Film

    Episode 25 of This Is Toronto is now available!!! This latest edition previews the inaugural Toronto Russian Film Festival; May 14-16 www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.comNext Episode: May 21, 2010

  • Russia-US ‘close to nuclear deal’ (Al Jazeera)

    Russia and the United States are close to agreeing a new pact to reduce their Cold War arsenals of nuclear weapons, the Russian president has said. Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday that he is “optimistic for the conclusion of the deal” to succeed the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start), which expired last month. More…