Hamilton 68 website tracks Russian information ops on Twitter

It is no secret that the Russian government has weaponized social media in an attempt to sew doubt, division and chaos among western governments. Now the website Hamilton 68 helps to monitor the stories being pushed by Putin.  The site is an effort of The Alliance for Securing Democracy is “a bipartisan, transatlantic initiative” whose advisory council…

The case for Canada joining the European Union

Since the start of the American Revolution, Canada has lived in the shadow of the US. At times America has been the enemy, at other times a close ally, Canada’s number one trading partner, the source of waves of immigration and the destination of Canada’s ‘brain drain’. For the entire time though, Canada’s politics have…

America, as we know it, cannot survive without an independent investigation of Trump and Russia

People frequently say that, at certain times, politicians must choose country over party. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it’s just hyperbole. However, if there has ever been a time when it was true, then the Trump – Russia scandal is it. It has the potential to weigh as heavily on the American consciousness as…

Now that Sochi is Over, Pussy Riot re-arrested along with 100 other activists

Before the Olympic medals could even find their way into trophy cases, Russian President Vladamir Putin has begun rounding up his critics again. Right before the Olympics began Putin attempted to improve his government’s international image by granting amnesty to thousands of political prisoners, including members of Pussy Riot and Greenpeace activists. Now that the…

New Pussy Riot video “Putin Will Teach You How to Love” shot in Sochi

If arresting and imprisoning Pussy Riot was meant to intimidate them it, evidently, didn’t work. Members of the band were in Sochi this week where they were attacked, literally whipped and temporarily detained by security forces. From that experience they have put together a new music video “Putin Will Teach You How to Love“. Like…

Facebook’s new gender options should be causing much more controversy

I’m all for Facebooks new gender options. As a monogamous, heterosexual male it is not that important to me personally, but I know that to a great many people it is very important. I’m glad that those people can now express who they are more fully. Beyond that, obvious, benefit though there are other advantages.…

Help Amnesty International: Russian journalist & LGBT youth outreach worker charged with ‘propaganda’

Russian journalist Elena Klimova who founded the website “Children 404” has been arrested in Russia according to Amnesty International. Children 404 is a website that provides a “safe space for teenagers to share their stories, get support and obtain advice from experienced psychologists.” It helps LGBT youth to deal with discrimination, violence and psychological attacks…

Short Video Explains How Fracking Works

People are, generally speaking, against fracking. By this I mean fracking in the fuel business, not fracking in the Battlestar Galactica sense. Generally most people, whether they admit it or not, are all for the BSG kind of fracking. Although they are opposed to fracking many do not seem to really understand what fracking is,…