New Study Says Half of US Jobs Will Be Replaced By Machines in 20 Years

According to a recent study from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology nearly half of all US jobs could be replaced by computers over the next two decades. Although the report specifically mentions US jobs, it is fairly safe to assume that this means a significant impact on jobs worldwide. I’ve…

What Will an Economy Without Jobs Look Like?

The video below was created by Climate Desk to examine the possible reductions in greenhouse gasses from using 3D printing over traditional manufacturing. What it does not really get into is what happens to manufacturing jobs when 3D printing comes into play. I’ve already talked about the potential disruptive effects of 3D printing. 3D printing…

What Will an Economy Without Jobs Look Like?

The video below was created by Climate Desk to examine the possible reductions in greenhouse gasses from using 3D printing over traditional manufacturing. What it does not really get into is what happens to manufacturing jobs when 3D printing comes into play. I’ve already talked about the potential disruptive effects of 3D printing. 3D printing…