Category: Electoral Reform

  • No one cares about sovereignty when they’re winning

    As a dual citizen who believes in open borders, free trade and the need for a global constitutional republic to deal with an increasing number of issues that require an international response, I admit that sovereignty is a complicated issue. However, I certainly feel that people have the right to elect their own government representatives…

  • After Brexit and Trump, electoral reform is more important now than it was in 2015

    Photo credit: FutUndBeidl via Visualhunt / CC BY Fortunately, despite skepticism by many, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that electoral reform is still on the table. When Trudeau was elected just over a year ago, his promise that 2015 was the last election to be fought under the “first past the post” system. Since that…

  • Justin Trudeau and the progress of democratic reform

    Photo credit: World Bank Photo Collection via / CC BY-NC-ND A few days ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said something true about electoral reform and people freaked out.  Ok, most people didn’t freak out and the ones who did are primarily opposition partisans who want electoral reform because they believe it will improve their…

  • Government Transparency: So far Justin Trudeau has my vote

    I tend to be very ‘left leaning’ and haven’t always been a big fan of the Liberals, but for the last year or so Justin Trudeau has continued to shine while Thomas Mulcair seems primarily interested in Thomas Mulcair. I have been apprehensive about Mulcair from the start and his recent actions haven’t eased my…

  • My ideal electoral system and how the current one could be vastly improved tomorrow.

    This is going to be divided into two sections. First I will describe what, I think would be, an ideal electoral system and then I will describe one thing that could be done right now, by Parliament,  that would vastly improve the system, without the need for constitutional change, voting reform or a referendum. So if…