Category: Elections

  • Which Middle Class is Justin Trudeau Targeting?

    Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have made it clear that their plan for the 2015 election is to target the ‘middle class’. The phrase is probably the most commonly used in recent political history. Everyone wants to court the middle class because nearly everyone thinks that they are part of the middle class. It will be interesting…

  • Senate Reform: Thomas Mulcair Picks the Wrong Issue, at the Wrong Time, Probably for the Wrong Reason.

    Thomas Mulcair is definitely not Jack Layton. With jobs, the economy, affordable housing and other fundamental issues weighing on the minds of Canadians, the NDP leader is taking to the road to rally support for an issue that is more important to Mulcair and his party than it is to most voters. To be sure…

  • Afghanistan parliamentary election postponed

    Afghanistan is to postpone its parliamentary elections by four months until September, the country’s election commission has confirmed. Elections were to take place before 22 May under the constitution but a new date of 18 September has been set. more at BBC

  • Campaigning ends ahead of Sri Lanka election (ABC)

    Opposition activists say the Sri Lankan government is planning to use vote rigging and violence to win the presidential election, as campaigning officially ends. The two main candidates in the poll, President Mahinda Rajapakse and former army chief General Sarath Fonseca have held their final campaign rallies ahead of Tuesday’s vote. Both are closely associated…