Category: Election 2015

  • Progress is made issue by issue, not by partisan politics

    Last night’s historic election of Justin Trudeau and a Liberal majority government was met with mixed reactions, as all elections are. Liberals are elated about the results, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens are disappointed. It seems to me though that partisan politics are frequently toxic and do not have the impact that people think they…

  • Anything But Conservative is good enough for now

    For the last 10 years, Stephen Harper has been the government of Canada. I do not mean the Prime Minister of Canada or the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, I mean that he has been the government. Anyone in his party that got in his way was out of the caucus, shuffled to…

  • It looks like Canada is headed for a Liberal minority government

    There are still two weeks remaining until the election. That means that any and all predictions and polls are subject to change. But, at the moment, it looks like Justin Trudeau will be the next Prime Minister of Canada. Éric Grenier’s CBC Poll Tracker still shows a slight seat advantage for the Conservatives. As of…

  • If you think the Green Party is progressive or science based, think again

    If you’re like me, you’ve found Elizabeth May’s debate appearances impressive. The Green Party has some worthwhile positions on important issues. As they are fond of pointing out these extend beyond issues related to the environment.  With that said, there is a problem and it’s a big one.  The policies discussed in the debate and…