Category: DMCA

  • Anti-Canadian Copyright Bill Returns

    The Canadian version of the American Digital Millenium Copyright Act appears to be on it’s way back to Parliament. When the bill reared it’s ugly head last time the Conservatives were heavily critisized by Canadian consumers as well as arts and cultural groups for failing to consult anyone (except the large American media companies) before…

  • More Copyright Coverage

    Michael Geist reports that the mainstream media has picked up where it left off with reporting on copyright issues. Over the weekend, the Canwest papers covered the year-end Canadian digital music sales, noting that the growth is faster in Canada than in the United States.  Today, Canwest is back with an article that appears across…

  • ACTRA Sides Against the Audience

    ACTRA supports Jim Prentices anti-consumer copyright legislation and is angry over it’s delay. As a long frequent supporter of Canadian film, television and theatre I can’t help but feel that they ACTRA (who I don’t believe speaks for all Canadian actors) is being short sighted and reactionary in this case. Hopefully their stance won’t weaken…

  • Pay to Play? You can’t steal what doesn’t exist.

    Discussion has headup up recently on the topic of copyright/copyleft and downloading. John Paolozzi at Radio 3 and I were talking about this on the Radio 3 blog in the wake of yet another collapsed copyright bill. A bill, I should add, that failed because it was only a business document that took neither artists…

  • Breaking Links: Monday, December 10

    Micheal Geist has taken the liberty of destroying Jim Prentice’s talking points on DMCA before Prentice even gets a chance to make them. “While some attendees were disappointed that Industry Minister Jim Prentice was not more responsive to the copyright questions posed at this weekend’s open house, I found the comments very insightful since they…

  • Copyright Bill Delayed For Now

    It was just announced on the CBC Radio 3 blog that Jim Prentice’s US – DMCA style copyright reform is going away for the time being. From the CBC (full article): A controversial bill that seeks to reform Canadian copyright laws, expected to be introduced early this week, may be quashed after a groundswell of…

  • The Canadian ‘Republican’ Party and the DMCA

    Dr. Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, has been leading a valiant effort against the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) bill that the Conservatives and Industry Minister Jim Prentice have promised to introduce. As far as anyone can tell, the bill which will drastically alter Canadian…