Category: David Lynch

  • What if David Lynch had directed ‘Return of the Jedi’ (video)

    According to legend (and an MTV interview from sometime in the 80s) George Lucas asked David Lynch if he was interested in directing “Return of the Jedi”. According to Lynch he immediately said no. However, thanks to YouTuber C-SPIT we now have an idea what a David Lynch Star Wars film might have looked like:

  • New Nine Inch Nails Video ‘Come Back Haunted’ Directed By David Lynch

    I could write some stuff here about the band and the director and .. stuff but, really, if Nine Inch Nails video directed by David Lynch isn’t enough to get you to watch, you probably won’t like it. Oh … also be careful if you are prone to seizures. [via Slash Film]

  • What If David Lynch Had Directed Dirty Dancing

    A new, remixed, trailer asks the question that we’ve all been wondering for years. ‘What if David Lynch had been tapped to direct Dirty Dancing instead of Emile Ardolino?’ – Would the film have been better? Maybe even good? Watch the trailer and judge for yourself.

  • What If David Lynch Had Directed Dirty Dancing

    A new, remixed, trailer asks the question that we’ve all been wondering for years. ‘What if David Lynch had been tapped to direct Dirty Dancing instead of Emile Ardolino?’ – Would the film have been better? Maybe even good? Watch the trailer and judge for yourself.