Category: ctv

  • The Hockey Night Theme Music: A Dissenting Opinion

    This is just one of many opinions already voiced in disagreement with Justin – and many others for as many reasons, not all of which agree with his own thinking – on this subject. I spoke of this earlier at one of my own blogs, before the word got out about CTV’s efforts. Then, as…

  • CBC Made the Right Decision: Time for a New Song

    So the theme song is gone from Hockey Night in Canada. I’m ok with that. I really am. I know it’s the ‘second national anthem’, recognized coast to coast to coast since 1968 but ultimately it’s a song. It’s not Hockey Night in Canada and it’s not Hockey. CTV ended up buying the song, presumably…

  • Don Chevrier: 1938 – 2007

    Canadian sportscaster Don Chevrier has passed away. For many, including myself, Chevrier will be remembered as the original television voice of the Blue Jays. Like his radio counterpart, Tom Cheek, Chevrier provided solid play-by-play for over two decades. He was the man in the television booth during Toronto’s “glory days.” As a young fan, I…


    CTV’s Sunday night prime-time schedule consisted of a documentary about Brian Mulroney and the MTV Video Music Awards. One minute, Brian Mulroney is discussing the Meech Lake Accord. The next minute, Britney Spears is strutting around in her bra and panties. Talk about two extremes. Besides me, does anyone else see anything wrong with that?…