Ottawa Votes No On Art

Ottawa City Council had set aside $666,000 for arts and culture, hoping to get matching funds from the Federal Government. After learning that those federal dollars weren’t coming Ottawa decided that it’s arts and culture community should be punished further and put it’s half million plus back into general funds. Someone should explain to them…

Canadian Renaissance Project gets ready to launch

Round one of the Canadian Renaissance Project will officially launch later this week. Round one will begin with a search for activists before the broader campaign begins. If you’re so inclined please read the draft statement now. and feel free to make comments or suggestions. If you would like to work as an activist to…

Canadian Renaissance Project

I’m looking for a few good people with ideas and some optimism. The next online campaign I’m going to undertake is about people’s ability to make money in ‘the arts’ in Canada. I should point out that I’m using the term arts losely here to refer to a broad spectrum including performing arts, visual arts,…