Pointing Out the Flaws of Conservatives is Getting Boring

I feel like I should spend more time on this site and on Twitter pointing out the flaws of conservatives here in Canada and in the United States. The truth is that it’s getting boring and repetitive. I’ve been pointing out the flaws of conservatives and their ‘philosophies’ since the days of Reagan and, although…

Suggested Reading: “Time to pack it in, Steve” – Why It’s Time for Harper to Go

As Stephen Harper prepares to prorogue parliament for the 3rd time, some continue to suggest that he will, or at least should, step down as leader of the Conservative party. While this is vehemently denied by Harper it is a wonder that he continues to enjoy any public support. Harper originally came to office on…

Harper Government Gets an “F” from Democracy Watch

Remember when Stephen Harper was the head of the official opposition? Remember how he railed against the Liberals for being corrupt and secretive? Remember when he was going to fix corruption and make government transparent and accountable? It’s been 6 years since the Harper Conservatives “Federal Accountability Act” became the law of the land and…

Harper Government Gets an “F” from Democracy Watch

Remember when Stephen Harper was the head of the official opposition? Remember how he railed against the Liberals for being corrupt and secretive? Remember when he was going to fix corruption and make government transparent and accountable? It’s been 6 years since the Harper Conservatives “Federal Accountability Act” became the law of the land and…