The Earth formed as a rock, so where did the water come from? (video)

As the folks at MinuteEarth point out, the Earth formed as a rock. It is actually classified as a “rocky planet” and is unlikely to have had any water at all in the beginning. Now 70% of the “big blue marble” is covered in water. So where did it come from? Well, just as we are (literally)…

Researchers in Wales Find Possible Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life

A meteorite which fell in Sri Lanka in December of 2012 appears to be of extraterrestrial origin and to contain fossilized remains of  biological life according to researchers in Cardiff, Wales. Via MIT Technology Review: “The most startling claims, however, are based on electron microscope images of structures within the stones (see above). Wallis and co. say that…

Researchers in Wales Find Possible Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life

A meteorite which fell in Sri Lanka in December of 2012 appears to be of extraterrestrial origin and to contain fossilized remains of  biological life according to researchers in Cardiff, Wales. Via MIT Technology Review: “The most startling claims, however, are based on electron microscope images of structures within the stones (see above). Wallis and co. say that…