Category: Business

  • Suggested Reading: Why Meetings Are The Worst Possible Way To Get Things Done

    Do you hate meetings? I try to avoid them like the plague. I’ve been in jobs where there were so many meetings that it was nearly impossible to get any work done (without serious overtime). Then, inevitably, there would be meetings about increasing productivity because no one was getting any work done. They might even…

  • Shell Faces Legal Fight Over Arctic Wells (Common Dreams)

    Royal Dutch Shell‘s controversial plans to drill for billions of barrels of oil in the Arctic’s environmentally sensitive frozen waters face a potentially damaging legal challenge An alliance of conservation and Alaskan indigenous groups has filed a legal claim to prevent Shell drilling for oil this year in the Arctic Ocean’s Chukchi Sea. Two years ago,…

  • My Platform: Business and Industry

    This is another thing I’ve brought up previously. Even before the current economic crisis business would frequently go to the government looking for subsidies, special tax breaks and other rewards. I would set up a Department of Public Investment that would invest in business and industry rather than simply offer cash to business. The job…

  • Should there be a Department of Public Investment ?

    I had this idea while talking with someone at a xmas party. Bailout fatigue is setting in but I think that it’s possible that such bailouts might not be necessary, and recessions could be a little more rare if governments (federal, provincial and local) took more of an interest in sustainable economics to begin with….

  • An Unreserved Endorsement for Zunior

    I’ve said before, many times, that a new deal has to be struck between artists and fans. Thanks to the internet we’ve graduated from a system where big record labels screwed artists and fans to a system where everyone screws artists. Whether you pay for music downloads, or download them for free the artists still…

  • Insider Outsourcing at the CBC?

    Late last year the CBC sold international distribution rights to 700 hours of it’s programming to British-based ContentFilm for an ‘undisclosed amount.’ It is actually not quite as simple as that. From the Tea Makers: “Steve Billinger says no Canadian distributors wanted the package. Robert Lantos said he would have taken it. Billinger says the…

  • Fortune Hunters Premieres Tomorrow

    The first episode of CBC’s new show Fortune Hunters premeires this Saturday at 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT more times and dates are available available here. The first episode will focus on green business or ‘Eco Everything.’ Ever since Al Gore sounded the alarm bell, people are re-focusing on the future of the planet. Smart…

  • Venture 2.0 (Fortune Hunters) coming to CBC

    Anyone remember Venture? The CBC show that served as a business how-to and all too often how-not-to show for entrepreneurs was axed at the end of last season after 22 years on the air. It’s pseudo replacement Fortune Hunters premeirs January 12. According to the show’s web site: FORTUNE HUNTERS is Canada’s only show on…

  • Breaking Links: Wednesday, November 21

    The End of America Alternet interview with Naomi Wolf (Thanks CBC Radio 3) Canadian records an album every week for a year via Chart Sign out of Facebook before making online purchases. An article from the Globe and Mail about Facebook’s new tracking and consumer reaction. CBC Television has presented it’s Winter schedule. You can…