Category: Blood Lines

  • Breaking Links: The First One

    These are busy days for me, and even on less busy days there is always so much more that I want to comment on than I really have time to, so sometimes I’m just going to post a bunch of stuff together without much commentary – news, blogs, and whatever else I decide to add……

  • Blood Lines take Outstanding Rock Recording!

    While I’m congratulating people, a huge shout out is in order for Saskatoon’s the Blood Lines who picked up Outstanding Rock Recording at the Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA) for their self titled album. Maygen Kardash’s note on the Blood Lines Facebook Group today was brief Ak! We won! Our name is on the Outstanding…

  • Blood Lines Getting Noticed, just a bit

    Things are happening fast for the Blood Lines – just back from the Beijing Pop Festival the band has now been nominated for a Western Canadian Music Award. Stay Tuned, as rumor has it some video from the Blood Lines tour of China will be appearing on the R3TV Videocast in the not too distant…

  • the Blood Lines in China Update

    I mentioned the Blood Lines visit to China previously. They are there to play the Beijing Pop Festival (as well as a few clubs). While we have to wait for them to get back with a full report and (reportedly) some video – Lisa Christiansen of Radio 3 caught up with keyboard player and singer…

  • Some Quick Notes: Toronto, Montreal, Guelph, Saskatoon and China

    I’m off to do some volunteer work at the TIFF here shortly, so I don’t have alot of time to devote to any of these subjects but quickly.. Montreal is getting reading for the launch of Spacing Montreal. It is a free/pwyc event so if you’re available this Sunday, definitely worth checking out. Guelph‘s Hillside…