Category: Arizona

  • Conservatives still don’t understand what “freedom of religion” is

    In the US Constitution it says the government cannot make any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms simply says that a person has the “freedom of conscience and religion”. What this means is that you have the right to believe anything you want…

  • Arizona Turns to Shotgun Socialism

    Tuscon, Arizona mayoral candidate Shaun McClusky has announced a plan to cut crime. He wants to hand out free guns in high crime neighborhoods (what could possibly go wrong)? Via the Arizona Daily Star: “Operating on the premise an armed neighborhood is a safer neighborhood, a group led by former mayoral candidate Shaun McClusky is raising…

  • Arizona Turns to Shotgun Socialism

    Tuscon, Arizona mayoral candidate Shaun McClusky has announced a plan to cut crime. He wants to hand out free guns in high crime neighborhoods (what could possibly go wrong)? Via the Arizona Daily Star: “Operating on the premise an armed neighborhood is a safer neighborhood, a group led by former mayoral candidate Shaun McClusky is raising…