How US evangelicals are exporting hate to Uganda and beyond

Evangelicals have failed in their efforts to marginalize and demonize LGBT people in the United States and working to generate an increase hate in other parts of the world. Uganda recently passed legislation that criminalizes homosexuality by Ugandan citizens, even outside of Uganda. The law even means the death penalty, in some cases, for homosexual…

Discover Somalia Wants to Show You the Somalia You Don’t See

There is no doubt that Somalia has its problems, but the problems do not define the country. If you get your impressions from the main stream media the list of things you probably know about Somalia includes anarchy, famine, piracy, warlords and Black Hawk Down. That list, however, represents only what the main stream media…

New Blog You Should Follow “Africa is a Country”

“Africa is a Country” describes itself, in part, by telling you what it isn’t. “This isn’t another blog about famine, Bono, or Barack Obama.” Africa is a very large and complex place. It is the second largest continent on Earth, after Asia, and roughly 20% larger than North America. It is home to 55 countries…

Radi-Aid: African Musicians Donate Their Time to Save Norway from Cold

After decades of events like Live Aid and Band Aid Africa is giving back. “Africans unite to save Norwegians from dying of frostbite. You too can donate your radiator and spread some warmth!” Radi-Aid is funny on the surface, Africans banding together to help cold people in Norway. The underlying message, as expressed on the…

Radi-Aid: African Musicians Donate Their Time to Save Norway from Cold

After decades of events like Live Aid and Band Aid Africa is giving back. “Africans unite to save Norwegians from dying of frostbite. You too can donate your radiator and spread some warmth!” Radi-Aid is funny on the surface, Africans banding together to help cold people in Norway. The underlying message, as expressed on the…