Category: abortion

  • Stephen Harper Facing Internal Revolt?

    According to the CBC, Tory MPs are getting tired of the strict message control forced on them by Prime Minister Harper. “Backbench MPs are turning up the pressure in frustration over the Prime Minister’s Office stifling debate in the House of Commons. MPs who oppose abortion and want to see legislated limits for it are…

  • Stephen Harper Facing Internal Revolt?

    According to the CBC, Tory MPs are getting tired of the strict message control forced on them by Prime Minister Harper. “Backbench MPs are turning up the pressure in frustration over the Prime Minister’s Office stifling debate in the House of Commons. MPs who oppose abortion and want to see legislated limits for it are…

  • Sex Selective Abortion is Wrong, So is Sexism and Having Unwanted Children

    Conservative MP Mark Warawa (Langley, BC) has tabled a motion in Parliament, M-408, condemning “sex selective abortion”. The bill is not likely to come up  for debate until March. Critics of the bill claim that it is an attempt to reopen the broader abortion debate. Regardless of Warawa’s protestations, they are correct. Warawa and the vocal supporters…

  • Sex Selective Abortion is Wrong, So is Sexism and Having Unwanted Children

    Conservative MP Mark Warawa (Langley, BC) has tabled a motion in Parliament, M-408, condemning “sex selective abortion”. The bill is not likely to come up  for debate until March. Critics of the bill claim that it is an attempt to reopen the broader abortion debate. Regardless of Warawa’s protestations, they are correct. Warawa and the vocal supporters…

  • A List of MPs Who Voted for Anti-Abortion M 312

    Kitchener MP Stephen Woodworth’s motion to “study the Criminal Code’s definition of when human life begins” was defeated by a margin of more than 2 to 1 today. Still it is appalling that 91 members of Canada’s Parliament would attempt to reopen the abortion debate. Make no mistake, all spin, rationalizations and justifications aside, this…

  • A List of MPs Who Voted for Anti-Abortion M 312

    Kitchener MP Stephen Woodworth’s motion to “study the Criminal Code’s definition of when human life begins” was defeated by a margin of more than 2 to 1 today. Still it is appalling that 91 members of Canada’s Parliament would attempt to reopen the abortion debate. Make no mistake, all spin, rationalizations and justifications aside, this…

  • Mitt Romney Would Outlaw Abortion in All Cases

    In an interview today, Mitt Romney sought to distance himself and Paul Ryan from the medieval position on rape and abortion taken by Representative Todd Akin. In the interview with National Review Romney said: “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong,” Romney said. “Like millions of other Americans, we found them…

  • Mitt Romney Would Outlaw Abortion in All Cases

    In an interview today, Mitt Romney sought to distance himself and Paul Ryan from the medieval position on rape and abortion taken by Representative Todd Akin. In the interview with National Review Romney said: “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong,” Romney said. “Like millions of other Americans, we found them…

  • The Wish List

    My good friend Kirsten, was the organizer of the second most popular wish on the CBC/Facebook Great Canadian Wish List. Here’s a news clip about the campaign. It features Kirsten, as well as the controversy surrounding certain wishes.