Canadian Renaissance Project

I’m looking for a few good people with ideas and some optimism. The next online campaign I’m going to undertake is about people’s ability to make money in ‘the arts’ in Canada. I should point out that I’m using the term arts losely here to refer to a broad spectrum including performing arts, visual arts, music, film etc.,

Canada is a big country. It is, as I’ve pointed out before, difficult for artists from one region to gain recognition in all of the others. Even traveling from one end of Canada to the other can be expensive and time consuming and is, for many, simply not a viable option. For this reason Canada has lost many of it’s most gifted and creative people to the United States and Europe.

The Canadian Renaissance Project will be an, admittedly ambitious, attempt to fix that, or at least improve the situation. The idea is simple, allow artists to keep more of what they earn; Separate income from the arts from other income and then allow a certain level of income from the arts to be tax exempt. If this can be done it will not only make it easier for artists to make a living, but it will show Canada’s artists that they are appreciated and will generally make staying in Canada a more viable and attractive option for them. Hopefully sparking an explosion of art, creativity and talent across Canada (hence the name of the project.)

I am not ready to launch this yet, but I’d like a small group of people to brainstorm with about exactly how it should work and the best way to approach making it a reality. If you are interested or if you’d like to nominate someone else, please contact me.