The Canadian Music Creators Coalition (CMCC) the only Canadian music industry group composed of and representing musicians have come out against the Harper Governments threats of “Copyright Reform” that were tacked on to last week’s throne speech.

From Mediacaster

“When the Canadian Record Industry Association (CRIA) says ‘copyright reform’ what they really mean is ‘give a free hand to sue fans who download like they have in the US,'” explained CMCC representative and Barenaked Ladies front man Steven Page in a release. “We hope the government has a better solution in mind.”

CRIA, a recording industry group that now largely represents the Canadian arm of American record labels, would (obviously) like a copyright system more closely resembling that in the US. However, following the October 4 judgement that penalized a Minnesota woman $222,000 for 24 downloaded songs combined with the fact that no recording artist has ever recieved any money from any of these law suits and I think it’s fairly clear that the US copyright system is only good for lawyers. It does nothing for artists or fans, or ultimately the record labels themselves.