Members of the League of Poets from Calgary (and surrounding areas) are being sought to participate in a series of readings. If you are in, or will be in, Calgary in 08 and would like to participate, please contact If you are not familiar with ‘the League’ read on:

The League of Canadian Poets, a non-profit arts service organization, is the national association of professional publishing and spoken word poets in Canada. Its purpose is to enhance the status of poets and nurture a professional poetic community to facilitate the teaching of Canadian poetry at all levels of education and to develop the audience for poetry by encouraging publication, performance and recognition of Canadian poetry nationally and internationally.

As well as providing members and the public with many benefits and services, the League speaks for poets on many issues such as freedom of expression, Public Lending Right, CanCopy, contract advice and grievance. We are actively involved with other arts and literary organizations in discussion with government bodies on matters that affect writers. Through our bimonthly newsletter, we keep members informed of matters both political and professional and provide a common voice for collective response to important issues.

Founded in 1966 by a group of five poets, the League now serves almost 600 members whose work reflects the regional and cultural diversity of this country.

For more info visit