Breaking Links: Tuesday, October 30

  • This is a couple of days old, but The Gap uses slave labour. Anyone suprised? Thanks Tessa. The gap revelation does make this seem a bit disingenuous and I think You Say Party! We Say Die! may have been a bit ahead of their time.
  • The Hollywood Reporter and Ouimet have some things to say about CBC’s ratings this year.
  • This link will take you to a PDF from the University of California at Riverside on RIAA and MPAA P2P tracking.
  • Growing tension between Turkey and the Kurds threatens to expand the war in Iraq.
  • Here is an interesting bit from Grist on the Great Lakes Water Wars – the battle in the US on how best to divvy up the great lakes. Canada is obviously a secondary concern at best.
  • The Quill and Quire reports on Douglass Coupeland’s foray into viral media.
  • More reports of torture coming out of Afghanistan
  • Russia is set to file a claim on the Arctic before the UN this year.