Via J-Source: Reuters is reporting that 64 Journalists have been killed in the past year.

“For the fifth year in a row Iraq was the deadliest dateline with 31 journalists killed, most of whom were targeted and murdered, the watchdog said. All but one of the journalists killed were Iraqi, with nine of those working for international organizations, including Reuters and The Associated Press.”

The East Coast Music Award nominess for 2008 have been announced and Halifax’s Joel Plaskett has garnered a whopping 7 nominations.

“The band’s 2007 album Ashtray Rock has three nominations, including recording of the year and its single Fashionable People earned nods for best single and songwriter of the year for Plaskett.”

Volcanoless in Canada have posted their top music picks for 2007

“Damn I love the end of the year… there’s something about snow on the ground, a frozen ice world outside, frost that physically hurts, that makes a guy just want to curl up someplace warm, forget about every single outside obligation, and for the first time all year, take the time to nostalgically make reference to breakthrough/amazing music encompassing another completed year. Team Volcanoless recently experienced some warmth by the fire, partaking in mad discussion about 2007 and the albums that made us want to make another one.”

68 year-old John Peters, the latest RCMP taser victim is accusing the agency of a whitewash. In related news a new study has determined that tasers do not reduce shootings.

“Peters’s wife Ann, who was in the car at the time, said her husband only put his hands over his face after the officer punched him in the mouth, and that the officer used the Taser twice on her husband while he was still in the car. “John never hit the officer. He was never tased outside the car. He was tased both times inside the car.””

The new album from Gentleman Reg is just about done.

“And it became apparent that all the songs we had recorded, even though they were all good, didn’t make up a complete album.So, in the last few months many adjustments have been made. Adding songs, taking some away, re-mixing, editing,,,adding horns….And it’s finally feeling finished. This week we go through the mixes and pick our favorites, and then assemble the album.It has a name too. I’ll tell you later.”

Vive Le Canada on the Tory plan to muzzle Canadian minorities.

“If passed, the proposal would give B.C. seven new MPs, Alberta five and Ontario only 10 – fully 11 fewer than if the province was treated the same as Canada’s other fast-growing regions. This means effectively disenfranchising some 1 million Ontarians in the next decade, or approximately one in every 10 citizens of voting age.”

MTV is referring to 2007 as The Year The [music] Industry Broke.

“In April, Trent Reznor released Year Zero, a concept album about a future society teetering on the brink of apocalypse. It was supposed to be a grand work of fiction, but it could just as easily have been about the music industry in 2007 — a bleak, burned-out world where the sky fell on a daily basis and the rivers ran red with the blood of record execs. (That the album didn’t sell well only furthers the analogy …)”

Police are looking for a man who murder a 74 year old while he was delivering Christmas cards in Kitchener Ontario and in Winnipeg they are looking for a man who abducted and assaulted an 11 year old girl. On the off chance you might know something please read the suspect descriptions in the articles.