Breaking Links: Thursday, December 11

Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice (a.k.a. Kenny and Spenny)interviewed in the New York Magazine

“Imported to America by Matt Stone and Trey Parker after three blockbuster seasons on Canadian television, the show began its run on Comedy Central a few weeks ago, and it’s hilarious. Thirty-six-year-old Kenny Hotz is the nihilistic, cheating sadist, who wins almost every contest over Spencer Rice, 37, the naïve masochist who insists on playing by the rules. To secure victories, Kenny has spiked Spenny’s orange juice with LSD, locked him in a closet overnight, and forged a letter from the Canadian government convincing him he had AIDS.”

Stephen Harper’s Republicans (a.k.a. Conservatives)continue to lead the charge against the Environment in Bali.

“The EU and developing countries want industrialised nations to start talks on a further set of emissions targets.
But this is being resisted by a number of parties led by Canada.”

In Mississauga a father has been charged with murdering his daughter apparently because she refused to wear a Hijab. Demonstrating once again that religion, taken to extremes, will ultimately cause people to abandon their faith. This is not the act of someone who has faith in anything.

“Muhammad Parvez, 57, has been charged with murder in connection with the death of his daughter, Aqsa Parvez. He will appear Tuesday in a Brampton court.
The victim’s 26-year-old brother, Waqas Parvez, has been charged with obstructing police.”

and a brand new Galacticast is out today!!