• Just a reminder, tonight is TorontoIndie.com’s 2nd Anniversary Party – if you’re looking for something to do in T.O. tonight, this would be a good bet.
  • The David Suzuki Foundation’s Weekly Podcast has been added to the CanCasts
  • Stephen Harpers fantasies (and public statements) aside, General Rick Hilier said that Afghans are 10 years or so from being able to take over their own security. Hillier now denies that there is any ‘difference of opinion.’
  • Congrats to the Junior Pantherz on their CD (and vinyl!) Release Party Tonight with the “kings of upstaging the bands they open for” Golden Smoke at Amigos in Saskatoon
  • Gentleman Reg has been added to a lineup that already featured Maggie McDonald, Terry Clement, and Mermaids and more. Monday’s, Eyes on Toronto
  • Oh…and according to recently ex British PM Tony Blair “I often say to people, Canada will become one of the most powerful nations in the world.”