Breaking Links: Monday, October 29

  • For the second time in two years, Shahid Malik, UK Minister for Foreign Development has been detained at a US airport “”Obviously, there was no malice involved but it has to be said that the USA system does not inspire confidence.”
  • Two Hours Traffic post photos from the“Nighthawks” video shoot.
  • Lots of good stuff lately from Hugh McGuire who has, in his blog, kindly pointed the way to the Teen Podcast Network as well as Alive in Baghdad – a weekly news program which employs Iraqi journalists to deliver news from the streets of Baghdad – these same folks (Small World News) also deliver Alive in Mexico
  • Bet you didn’t know this one: While the US has waged it’s ‘War on Terror’ and Parliament has debated Iraq and Afghanistan, Canada has quietly become #6 in the world in military exports – seriously jeopardizing our reputation as a peace loving country.