News emerges that the RCMP recently changed it’s policy to allow multiple taser hits just as the UN rules that Tasers violate the UN Convention on Torture.

“Use of the electronic stun devices by police has been marked with a sudden rise in deaths – including four men in the United States and two in Canada within the last week.”

The rate of child poverty in Canada is the same as it was in 1989 according to Campaign 2000.

“Some of the measures they propose include:
• Raising the minimum wage Canada-wide to $10 per hour.
• Increasing federal work tax credits to $2,400 per year.
• Investing federal dollars in social housing.
• Raising the National Child Benefit Supplement to create a full child benefit for low income families of $5,100 per child per year.”

According to the Toronto Star child poverty is especially pronounced in Toronto where approximately 93,000 households with children are below the poverty line.

“Since 2000, Toronto’s median family income after taxes and transfers of $41,100, the midpoint for all households raising children 17 and under, has remained relatively stagnant and is now $10,000 lower than the rest of Canada and almost $20,000 less than the rest of the GTA, the report says.”

Not surprisingly, Toronto’s rise in poverty has been accompanied by (and increased by) an explosion in ‘Payday Loan’ stores There are currently 317, up from 39 in 1995.

“The report cites the growing number of payday loan stores – which offer short-term, unsecured loans at annual interest rates ranging from 300 to 1,000 per cent – as one of the key warning signs many in the city are becoming poorer and urges the Ontario government to regulate the industry and set an interest rate cap and limits on fees.”

Canadian television is about to go commercial free as TiVo arrives in early December (in all provinces except Quebec.)

“The TiVo set-top device, which allows viewers to record shows and skip commercials, will be available across Canada — except in Quebec — through Best Buy, Future Shop, The Brick and London Drug stores for $199. Device owners also need to subscribe to the TiVo service, which has a monthly subscription price of $12.95, with discounts available on long-term contracts.”

It looks like the US may decide to stay in Iraq forever.

“BAGHDAD — Iraq’s government, seeking protection against foreign threats and internal coups, will offer the U.S. a long-term troop presence in Iraq in return for U.S. security guarantees as part of a strategic partnership, two Iraqi officials said Monday.”