Bookninja on the American TV writers strike:

“I just want TV back on so more of the people I dislike will stay in at night at leave the coffee shops and pubs empty for me.”

Exclaim! has an interview with Hidden Camera Joel Gibb:

“People don’t like Bavarians in Berlin, which is why I kind of liked wearing the lederhosen. “

Spacing has a good summary of the tragic developments in Queen West.

“Despite the best intentions of the city, I’m afraid I have a feeling of impending doom about all of this. The attempts to retain spaces for artists and affordable housing are honest and well intentioned. The result, however, will necessarily be the replacement of a vibrant, incidental place which harboured a vibrant culture, with a designed, manufactured place which will be home to a designed, manufactured culture.”

VoCA’s Top 5 are up

“Every *SECOND FRIDAY* VoCA will introduce our ‘TOP FIVE’ – five Canadian artists whose exceptionally well-made, well-conceived and original work we’ve recently featured, and recommend to art collectors.”

Natalia Yanchak on Morrisey, NME and Cultural identity.

“Dear NME: Have you been to Quebec lately (Pop Montreal doesn’t count)? Have you heard about Bill 101, which since the late 70’s has sought to empower a forced French identity and culture on anyone who wants to live here? “

According to Fox, long known for their objectivity, Canadian beer drinkers are a threat to the planet thanks Radio 3

“The problem is that the beer fridges are mostly decades-old machines that began their second careers as beverage dispensers when Canadians upgraded to more energy-efficient models to store whatever Canadians eat besides doughnuts and poutine.”

Radio 3 has a Tour Diary from the Barmitzvah Brothers

“…Brother Jenny Mitchell will cut your hair for free in exchange for a story. So far she’s got 100 stories …”

The RCMP has seized a computerat the CBC’s offices in Winnipeg, though why it was seized remains a mystery.

“”We did have an interest in a computer at that location, which is why we went there,” Karpish said. She said the CBC is not being investigated by the RCMP. She would not say whether an employee is being investigated.”