While I’m congratulating people, a huge shout out is in order for Saskatoon’s the Blood Lines who picked up Outstanding Rock Recording at the Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA) for their self titled album.

Maygen Kardash’s note on the Blood Lines Facebook Group today was brief

Ak! We won! Our name is on the Outstanding Rock Recording award and the news has been inked and delivered to the doorsteps of five provinces, so there’s no take-backs *now*. I’ll write of the Western Canadian Music Award and Festival highlights in a bit, but I’m in rough shape and plan on a few hours of sleep as to be able to write cohesively.
I will say, though, that we are indescribably grateful to our families, our growing team of great people who are working to make The Blood Lines accessible to all, and that we never take the support of our community for granted.
Okay, now sleep.

After the whirlwind tour of China and the WCMA’s Maygen should have plenty of time to rest up. Her other band’s CD release party isn’t for 5 days.

More on the WCMA’s at The Saskatoon Star Phoenix and CBC Radio 3.