Via CBC Radio 3 comes word that a brand new website has been created to help find bands places to stay while on the Road.

“For indie musicians, there’s nothing quite like hitting the road in that stinky old Ford Econoline and heading across North America.

But it doesn’t take long before the romance of staying flea bag motels or crashing in the van in Costco parking lots wears a little thin.

That’s exactly why musician Todd Hansen created, a brand new website that pairs music fans with musicians who need a place to stay.

The story behind Todd’s site, for those of you who are interested, goes like this:

What’s the story behind the site?

Touring isn’t cheap or easy. We know, we’ve done it for years. We thought of this as a way for music fans and other bands to offer up their floor and couches. We’ve stayed in some great and not so great places while on tour, so we know it can be hit or miss. We figure people are fans of bands and bands become fans of other bands; if we give them all a place to meet under a common need, good things will come of it.

We wanted to make a very simple site that allows bands to meet fans and bands to meet bands for a practical purpose. You can join the site for free as either “offering a place…” or “needing a place…” to stay. Bands can search by location, age, weekend/weekday availability and few other options. People with places to offer can also search for bands who are looking. Give as little or as much info as you want.
That’s the basic idea. Give it a go and sign up!