The Barmitzvah Brothers are about to start making their way east! If you somehow don’t know the Barmitzvah Brothers here’s a little taste. The audio on this isn’t great but I still love the song and you can hear it better on their New Music Canada profile, or their MySpace Page, then you can visit their
wesite and read all about them before stopping on the Barmitzvah Brothers Bulletin Board to say hi.

Here are those tour dates. Go see them if you can. Who knows, you might even get a haircut out of the deal!

Tour dates are below:

Fri January 25th – The Artel, Kingston
Sat January 26th – The Blacksheep Inn, Wakefield
Sun January 27th – Le Divan Orange, Montreal
Tues January 29th – Saint John TBA
Wed January 30th – Struts, Sackville
Thurs January 31st – (Jenny Omnichord, not barmitzvahs) at the”In the Dead of Winter” festival, at a workshop at “Fred” in Halifax
Fri Feb. 1st – Burning Hell on at 8:00 at the festival, at “Fred”. The Barmitzvah Brothers have a show later that night at Gus’ Pub.
Sat Feb. 2nd – Mathias in a workshop at the festival at Fredat 7:00, and Jenny Omnichord (not barmitzvahs) performance at 9:00.
Sun Feb. 3rd – Early show at Baba’s (in the afternoon, early), Charlottetown

And we might be playing the Weewerk showcase at CMW on March 7th.