Author: justinbeach

  • What the Future Holds Part II: Climate, Food and Migration

    Back to Part 1 or jump to Part 3 While technological change could well change what it means to be human over the next several generations, environmental changes will be just as disruptive and are far more certain. Even if the nations of the world achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Accords, the impacts…

  • What would health care look like as an app?

    Imagine if your phone, or whatever device you use, kept track of your health better than your family physician does; Imagine if it could tell you ahead of time if you were getting sick before you were aware of symptoms, or told you what to do to avoid getting sick; Imagine if it could share…

  • What Would Higher Education & Skills Training as an App look like?

    This is hypothetical, the app I’m about to describe does not exist. However, it could exist, using existing technology and without any individual stakeholder having to pay very much. The biggest obstacle would be establishing cooperation between governments and other stakeholders to make it happen. Once it was fully up and running it could offer free, or nearly free, education to…

  • Is the Dow Jones decline a blip, or the start of a downward trend?

    On Monday, February 5, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1175 points, or 4.6 percent, wiping out the market’s gains for the year. The stock market goes up and down, sometimes it’s just a momentary correction and at other times it sends a signal that the overall economy is about to move. So which one…

  • Politics in 2018: Making the most of dangerous times

    Looking forward from 2018, there are both great opportunities and serious challenges. Challenges may not even be the right word because, while there are obviously obstacles to overcome and problems in need of solutions, there are tragedies waiting in the future which are probably not avoidable anymore. To move forward successfully, we are going to…

  • Hello World! (Post One)

    Hello, and welcome to my new space on the internets. I chose the name the Reboot for a variety of reasons, both personal and thematic. Personally, I wanted a clean white page in front of me to work from and I wanted to make a fresh start in terms of subject matter. Topically, I want…

  • Botcheck Chrome Plugin identifies propaganda and bots on Twitter

    Botcheck Chrome Plugin identifies propaganda and bots on Twitter

    Twitter, Facebook and Google appeared before the US Congress today to explain their difficulties in identifying bots, propaganda and ‘fake news’. Fortunately, others do not seem to have the same difficulties. The latest addition to the plug-in collection is an extension for Google Chrome which monitors accounts for bot-like behavior and propaganda and then flags…

  • Star Trek: Discovery has the potential to make Star Trek great again

    Warning: If you haven’t seen the first three episodes, there are going to be spoilers. After the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, I was on the fence about the new series. The first two episodes were a bit too action oriented for me. I was afraid that they were going to take the…

  • The Democrats should get a tax cut bill ready, one for people who need it

    There is a busy schedule waiting for Congress when they get back from summer vacation. Some in the GOP still want to do something on health care, but in the short term they have to raise the debt ceiling, they have to pass a budget or a continuing resolution and they want to do tax…

  • The scariest question in American politics might be ‘what happens in 2020?’

    Based on the current momentum, it is unlikely that Donald Trump will be on the ballot in November of 2020. Between scandals, investigations, his obvious frustration with Washington, Washington’s frustration with Trump, looming primary challenges and his age (74 in 2020), a second Trump administration probably isn’t in the cards. That still leaves the question…