Anti-Canadian Copyright Bill Returns

The Canadian version of the American Digital Millenium Copyright Act appears to be on it’s way back to Parliament. When the bill reared it’s ugly head last time the Conservatives were heavily critisized by Canadian consumers as well as arts and cultural groups for failing to consult anyone (except the large American media companies) before introducing the bill, which coincidentally helped only large American media companies.

As is to be expected in the current political climate the Conservatives have still consulted no one and the Liberals are silent on the issue. It is likely that the Conservatives are hoping to take advantage of the support (by abstention) that they’ve been enjoying from the Liberal opposition.

The NDP at least has weighed in on the issue:

“Industry Minister Jim Prentice may very well introduce a bill to amend existing copyright legislation before the end of the current session of Parliament in the next few weeks. Unfortunately, there is reason to believe that his bill will be no better than previous attempts, which I, along with the other members of the NDP caucus, felt failed to address the needs of consumers.”

So, here we go again. Here are the address’ to complain to.

Industry Minister Jim Prentice –,

Prime Minister Stephen Harper –

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