American Internet Radio Calls for Help

From Radio 3 Radio 3 The US Court of Appeals denied an emergency stay a decision which will effectively shut down American webcasters in the next few days.

There is hope though.Wired reports, that the House Commerce Committee on Energy and Commerce will try to broker a deal between parties representing record labels and webcasters.

With the few remaining days left, has called on American supporters of web radio to contact their representatives, and international listeners to make their voices heard if they haven’t already.

This would be a serious blow to independent music and media democracy in the states. It would also likely cause a spike in file sharing and downloading.

The American government makes me tired sometimes, the next thing you know they’ll be getting involved in guerilla wars in hostile countries with no clear plan of action or exit, teaching creationism in the schools, pretending homosexuality is a disease that can be cured and pretending that Global Warming isn’t a problem. *sigh*