Month: April 2014

  • Final Monty Python show ever, to be broadcast live to theaters worldwide

    On Sunday, July 20 the remaining members of Monty Python will perform what will have to be their final show ever, really this time. John Cleese is 75, Eric Idle is 71, Terry Gilliam is 74, Terry Jones is 72, Michael Palin is 71, Graham Chapman is 73 and has been suffering from a fairly…

  • Discovery news says cursing is good for your fucking health

    Not much to say about this except that apparently, when people say “watch your language” what they mean is curse more – at least according to science. This short video lays out the history of cursing, as well as the psychological and health benefits – including the use of harsh language as a pain killer.

  • New security flaw found in all version of Microsoft Internet Explorer

    I’ve worked for companies who, for whatever reason, never upgrade from the pre-installed version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. I’ve always been astonished by this because all of the other browsers are free and a massive upgrade over IE. I don’t just mean the big browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera either. Sea Monkey and…

  • Watch the 1971 PSA ‘Curious Alice’: The most pro-drug anti-drug film ever

    I’m quite sure that the first time the media convinces people not to use drugs it will be because some pot grower in Colorado or Washington says something stupid and prompts a Chick-Fil-A style backlash. To date there has never been a successful anti-drug media campaign. Some attempts such as ‘Reefer Madness‘, which accidentally became…

  • Watch the 2012 short ‘Peter’ which imagines the Peter Pan origin story

    Today Geeks are Sexy posted the 2012 short ‘Peter‘. The film was written and directed by Nicolas Duval, based on a graphic novel by Regis Loisel. Unfortunately it feels like the film cuts out just as it is getting started, as if the filmmaker had wanted to do a feature and found himself with the…

  • A real ‘Birds Eye View’ goes way beyond seeing things from up high [video]

    If you’ve ever heard people speak, you’ve probably heard the expression “bird’s eye view”. When people say this they generally mean a top down view, usually from a high place. As it turns out though the view from up high is the least interesting thing about the way birds see. Obviously birds have sharp vision…

  • MIT physicist theorizes that consciousness is a state of matter

    Not being a religious person, this is a pretty huge idea for me. If it proves to be true it may allow us to learn more about the universe and our place in it than any other idea to date, including evolution and the big bang. I do not believe in any of the established…

  • Can you make a movie so bad it’s good on purpose?

    PBS Idea Channel host Mike Rugnetta argues that you can’t make a movie in the ‘so bad it’s good’ category on purpose. Personally, I think his definition is interesting but a bit too broad. Certainly there are classic film in this category and none of the classics were made that way on purpose. But a film…

  • The 80s Anime Version of Harry Potter

    There is currently a trilogy in the works based on ‘Magical Beasts and Where to Find Them‘, which is a book of about 40 pages. I think though, if they wanted to, they could just go ahead and reboot the original. Sure, it has only been three years since the second ‘Deathly Hallows’ movie but…

  • Mini-doc looks at the films and style of Wes Anderson

    A fantastic short doc, by Paul Waters of Brown Elephant, examining the work of Wes Anderson and the elements that give his films their particular style. I’m not an religious person at all, but since it’s Easter I’ll mention that I kinda want to see a Wes Anderson directed Jesus biopic with Bill Murray and Anjelica Houston as Mary…