Month: December 2008

  • No Arts Cuts in Ottawa

    In early November unpopular Ottawa Mayor Larry O’Brien introduced a plan to cut most of the arts funding for the city of Ottawa. Fortunately that plan fell apart last night. “The motion, which passed by a vote of 15-9, caught a number of councillors completely offguard including Mayor Larry O’Brien who appeared flummoxed by the…

  • Conservatives Open Fire on Ignatieff

    Harper wants his government to fall, I don’t see any other way to look at it. Earlier today the Liberals made Iggy interim leader. Immediately after that progressives groaned. A little later in the afternoon pundits began speculating about the Conservatives and the Liberals building bridges, finding compromise and working out a way to avoid…

  • Krista Erickson Returning to Ottawa

    The CBC Ombudsman has finished his investigation and report into the incident last year involving CBC Reporter Krista Erickson who was accused of feeding questions for the Mulroney-Schreiber hearings to a Liberal MP. The report concludes that it was inexperience and a lack of guidance and not bias that caused the problem. As quoted in…

  • Toronto Stories Coming to the Royal December 12

    I mentioned a little while back that Sook-Yin Lee has begun work on her first feature film. But it is not her first work as a film-maker. Last year she was in town shooting one of four segments of Toronto Stories The description, from the Royal’s Facebook group: TORONTO STORIESstarts December 12An omnibus film featuring…

  • Conservatives Planning Attack on the CBC?

    Given the Conservatives newfound interest in national unity you’d think that they would be very supportive of an organization created to build national unity and identity. You’d be wrong. Via the Georgia Straight and Art Threat comes word that the Conservatives are contemplating $200 million in cuts to the CBC. This would continue their strategy…

  • Give Me What I Want, Not What I Say I Want

    John Gushue likes to post interesting quotes on his website. Yesterday he posted one that seemed especially appropriate to what I’ve been thinking the last few days. Maragaret Mead once said “What people say, what people do and what they say they do are often entirely different things”. It occurs to me that the recent…

  • My email to the Canadian Press

    I am writing this as a citizen and my rights to free press to express my disgust with how supporters of the Anti-Coalition today stood on Canada’s Parliament Hill, my Parliament, with families allowing their children to carry signs saying “Bloc Scum”. Today proved that ignorance breeds ignorance and I’m disgusted the Canadian media have…

  • My email to the Canadian Press

    I am writing this as a citizen and my rights to free press to express my disgust with how supporters of the Anti-Coalition today stood on Canada’s Parliament Hill, my Parliament, with families allowing their children to carry signs saying “Bloc Scum”. Today proved that ignorance breeds ignorance and I’m disgusted the Canadian media have…

  • Rick Mercer Explains what Happened

    The recent political crisis has many Canadians confused. That’s not surprising as there are far too many people who don’t keep up with the news – at all. If anyone you know is having a hard time understanding what happened the last few weeks and why we might have a new government soon – Rick…

  • Join the Team: The Toronto Music Community Saves the World

    The Toronto ‘indie’ music community is rallying for concerts that make a difference. A series of shows is planned, starting January 29, to raise funds for Kiva. Kiva, in case you don’t know, is an organization that gives micro loans to people in the developing world to help them become self sufficient. For example, in…