Month: May 2008

  • Bicycles Say Go!

    The Bicycles were on CBC’s GO! this weekend and a bunch of the audio from it is online. You can download bits from the Bikes show, as well as other music, clips and even full shows from GO!, the radio show, also has a YouTube channel where you will find bits like this: The…

  • Silver Dollar on Thursday, Machettes, Shitt Hottt & Dead Sexy Sheila

    the Machettes who played a memorable first set (ever) opening for the Woodhands back in April take to the stage this Thursday with Shitt Hottt and Dead Sexy Sheila at the Silver Dollar Room (486 Spadina). Summer is here and TV season is over folks – time to get out and do something!

  • Bruce McDonald at Eyes on Toronto June 2

    Legendary Canadian filmmaker Bruce McDonald, Director of such films as the Tracy Fragments, Hard Core Logo, Highway 61 and currently at work on a documentary about Broken Social Scene’s Brendan Canning will be at Eyes on Toronto this Monday, June 2nd at the Gladstone Hotel. Also on stage that night will be the hilarious Ron…

  • What You Can Do to Save the Internet

    I got an email this morning from Steve Anderson at about the Net Neutrality Rally set to take place tomorrow on Parliament hill. Personally, I won’t be in Ottawa and so can’t attent and, honestly, most of the time I doubt the effectiveness of traditional rallies (on Parliament Hill or at Queen’s Park) –…

  • CBC, Money, Labour and Marketplace in Jeopardy?

    A bunch of stuff in today. First (and second really) CBC President Herbert Lacroix was pretty busy last week. First at the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television last Thursday Lacroix reiterated that the CBC requires an extra 215 million dollars in order to maintain quality programming. This amount was suggested by the Standing…

  • Bell Shapes Traffic to Its Own Ends

    From Dr. Michael Geist: It appears that, not that it is shaping it’s traffic, it wants to shape it in a way more advantageous to, who else, Bell (tell me you’re not suprised). Bell has decided to launch it’s own internet Video on Demand Service in direct competition with cable and satellite companies and even…

  • Coming Up in Toronto

    From the Events Toronto Facebook Group Friday, May 23 THIS BEAUTIFUL CITY opens Friday for one weekFacebook Event Page 2008 Green Toronto Festival (May 23 and 24)Facebook Event Page 1st ACT to ACT to ACT Screenplay Challenge – Friday May 23rd, NFB at 7pmFacebook Event Page Sass and the City – The Improvised MovieFacebook Event…

  • Polaris Jury Announced

    Sure awards season is long since over but the most prestigious prize in Canadian Music is just getting warmed up. The 2008 jury for the Polaris Music Prize was announced today. This is the third year for the prize, which awards $20,000 for the best Canadian album based solely on artistic merit. Better still, “no…

  • Anti-Canadian Copyright Bill Returns

    The Canadian version of the American Digital Millenium Copyright Act appears to be on it’s way back to Parliament. When the bill reared it’s ugly head last time the Conservatives were heavily critisized by Canadian consumers as well as arts and cultural groups for failing to consult anyone (except the large American media companies) before…

  • Montreal, Vancouver and How-To sections added

    I’ve been busy working on the site today. There are new aggregators for Vancouver and Montreal (I’m looking at other cities and more will follow at some point). There is also a new How To section, fairly small for now but it will grow and will be dedicated to tutorials on how to…all kinds of…