Month: March 2008

  • The Cheap Speakers Need a Female Rythm Guitar

    Toronto band the Cheap Speakers is looking for someone to play rhythm guitar for the summer (and maybe longer): Natalia Manzocco is departing the band, at least for a bit and they need someone who can fill in on ‘Rhythm Guitar, Vocals and Hand Claps’: The basic job description reads like this: “Our ideal candidate…

  • DareArts: Daring to Dream

    Marilyn Field remembers her first taste of the arts. “I used to sneak out at night, over to the farmer’s field across the road and dance,” recalls the former teacher, “because I could sense I was dancing with my mother in the sky.” It was through that childhood experience that she came to know the…

  • People Get All Democratic About the CBC

    One of the good things the Internet does is allow people to find others of like mind and organize activity. Nearly everyone in Canada has an opinion on the CBC and what it should do, or what has been done with it. This is a good thing. The people, after all, own the CBC and…

  • Bell Wants to Choose Your Web Sites For You

    Not to be too cynical, but it seems almost pointless to write a post about Bell Canada’s latest bit of corporate evil. It is a company that is known, to everyone who has ever been a customer, for high prices, poor customer service and infinite b.s. hidden in the fine print. What’s scarier is they…

  • At the Summit with Laura Barrett

    Last night I made it out to the Kalimba Summit at the Tranzac. It was presented by Wavelength from whom I’ve shamelessly stolen the picture at left. Before I get into the evening overall I want to plug, yet again, Laura Barrett. Actually I’d like to explain why it is I keep plugging Laura. First…

  • RVT: The Imponderables – Mushmouth

    Here’s more from the Imponderables with music from “Tom, Mallaigh, and Emmet Ashton” and help from their friends Lauren Ash and Aurora Brown. More from the imponderables can be found at the Rivoli on the first Tuesday of every month at (more fun than a bag of soup) through their Facebook Group or by…

  • Art in Regina: Nicole Ooms

    Art is hard, this is pretty common knowledge. Making a living at art is next to impossible – ask anyone who’s tried. It is, I suppose, somewhat easier if you live in a city with a sizable market and appetite for art – Paris, New York, London..or in Canada Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver What this all…

  • Best Record Store in Canada

    CBC Radio 3 is currently holding a competition to find the Best Record Store in Canada. Voting is open and the list is long – from Taz Records in Halifax to Phonopolis in Montreal; From Soundscapes in Toronto to Zulu Records in Vancouver. You can find the full list here. Next week the list will…

  • Re: Action April 5

    On April 5 at the Hangman Gallery, 756 Queen Street West University of Toronto professor and visual artist Adrian Blackwell will introduce Re: Action, an examination of gentrification. The event will provide an “opportunity for local artists and photographers to share their work that illustrates all viewpoints surrounding the changing Toronto landscape and where low-income…

  • Laura Barrett “Most Luminous Performer”

    Soundcheck Magazine has named Laura Barrett the “Most Luminous Performer” at SXSW ” Laura Barrett isn’t a pop goddess, nor does she aspire to be. She doesn’t glitz herself up in slinky clothes and exaggerated makeup, because she doesn’t need to. What she is, she is to such a degree that her music speaks for…