Month: January 2008

  • New Stuff

    So I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write anything today because I’ve been busy with admin/back end stuff. But I’ve added some new Zunior links – including a feed of their latest releases (see sidebar). I’ve also added some new stuff to the ‘More Links’ section (sidebar again), but I won’t tell…

  • Post #700 and the Periodic Call for Writers

    Though this web site started out in conflict, being born out of the 2005 CBC Lockout. It has been for the last two and a half years a labour of love. The other writers who sometimes post to the blog have been fabulous but it has been, and remains largely a one person operation. Despite…

  • An Unreserved Endorsement for Zunior

    I’ve said before, many times, that a new deal has to be struck between artists and fans. Thanks to the internet we’ve graduated from a system where big record labels screwed artists and fans to a system where everyone screws artists. Whether you pay for music downloads, or download them for free the artists still…

  • In Flight Safety Update

    Halifax’s Inflight Safety report from their blog that a new album is in the works and IFS piano/keyboard player Daniel Ledwell has just released a solo album. Yes it’s true we are still alive. IFS is buried under snow (just how we like it!) and we are crafting/molding songs for a new record. No album…

  • Download a Bride (or two)

    Yesterday I introduced you to Elbow Beach Surf Club part of Guelph’s Burnt Oak Collective which you can read about on Wikipedia. Today’s addition to the Podsafe Downloads is another member of Burnt Oak: the Brides. The Brides have, like label mates Elbow Beach Surf Club, have been getting alot of positive attention lately. From…

  • Gideon Arthurs Named New Executive of Toronto Fringe

    According to a press release Gideon Arthurs has been appointed the new Executive of the Toronto Fringe Festival. Arthurs Bio from the CanStage website reads: Gideon Arthurs is the Artistic Producer for Groundwater Productions, as well as an independent director.   He was  formerly the Company Manager for Soulpepper Theatre Company and sits on the Board…

  • MLSE = Disgrace

    Yes, there needed to be a change in the Maple Leafs’ front office. Yes, John Ferguson Jr. was not getting the job done and needed to be replaced. However, the way Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) handled this situation was absolutely disgusting. Just imagine what it would be like to be John Ferguson Jr….

  • Help Radio One Get on the FM Dial in Vancouver

    CBC Radio One in Vancouver is currently only available on the AM dial and it has been estimated that Nearly 40% of Vancouver residents have reception problems on the AM frequency. But the CBC’s Mandate states that it should “be made available throughout Canada by the most appropriate and efficient means and as resources become…

  • Elbow Beach Surf Club Downloads

    I am pleased to announce that Guelph’s Elbow Beach Surf Club are the latest addition to the podsafe downloads on . Elbow Beach Surf Club is currently sitting at #3 on the Earshot Charts for campus and community radio. Check them out at Sneaky Dee’s on Jan. 26 (Republic of Safety’s last show) and…

  • Comics to Smash The Roof in BC on Feb 7

    Toronto comics Sabrina Jalees and Debra Digiovanni along with American comic Nikki Glaser will be in Vancouver on February 7 to crash “right through the glass ceiling of the formerly male-dominated genre with the “all chick” comedy revue, Smash The Roof!” According to Jalees, the event’s host: “The best reflection of how far women have…